Membership Information
Benefits of Membership
- Networking with other Teen Court staff members
- Receiving continuing training
- Web site space on the TCA web page
- Educating legislators regarding Teen Court legislation
- Professionalism and Credibility
To be a full member of the Teen Court Association of West Virginia, the Teen Court program must be established and operating within the State of West Virginia. Full membership is contingent on full payment of association dues for the year. (Currently Free!)
Each Teen Court membership shall be entitled to one vote.
WVTCA Associate Membership is open to any person or organization engaged in an allied field, volunteer of a Teen Court program, or Teen Court operating outside of the State of West Virginia. Associate membership is contingent upon full payment of current dues as established by the voting membership.
(Currently Free!)
Associate members are non-voting members of the WVTCA. Also, they cannot hold office in the WVTCA, but may be appointed to serve on one or more of the WVTCA committees.
Annual dues shall be paid by January 1 and shall be considered past due as of February 1. Annual dues shall be paid by check.
The membership year is January 1 – December 31.
Full Membership: $100.00 per year
Associate Membership: $25.00 per year
(Currently Free!)
West Virginia Teen Court Association
A Community Connections Intiative
215 South Walker Street - Princeton, WV 24740
Phone: (304) 913-4956 ~ Fax: (304) 913-4964